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Danish Community Energy Coalition

In the Danish campaign for Community Power NOAH is cooperating with other Danish institutes and organizations.

If your organisation is interested in joining the Danish Community Energy Coalition, please contact:

Friends of the Earth, Denmark
Henning Bo Madsen
Email: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.
Phone: +45 5126 0368
Website: http://noah.dk/


Folkecenter  nnn    

Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy




Sustainable Energy Denmark



Vestegens Vedvarende Elværk



Samsø Energy Academy



Vestjyllands Energi-og Miljøforening


Ærø Energi-og Miljøkontor


Høje Taastrup Miljø-og Energicenter


Himmerlands Energi-og Miljøforening



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